The Specialized Instruction Department works with students in inclusion classrooms with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). The Specialized Instruction teachers fulfill each student’s IEP by ensuring all appropriate accommodations and modifications take place during general education instruction and providing support for each students’ individualized needs.
Students who are eligible for Gifted Education services will be served through one or more of the following models: Gifted Resource Class, Cluster Model or Collaborative Model. Students may be referred for testing by a teacher or a parent or through assessment scores.
CEMCS students receive 50 minutes of art instruction each week in the Art classroom with the Art teacher. Through various projects, students spend the first semester of the school year learning about artists and the elements of art. During the second semester of the school year, students shift to more collaborative and experimental art activities.
CEMCS contracts with SP360 to provide 45-minute physical education classes to all students each week. The Sport Performance 360 school-based training program is designed to improve personal health, mental strength and physical fitness of students. The coaches provide innovative instructional activities intentionally designed to increase cardiovascular efficiency, agility, balance, strength, power, and coordination.
The Second Step social-emotional learning curriculum is taught in every classroom. New lessons are taught weekly and then supplemented with daily follow-up lessons. The curriculum consists of age-appropriate lessons with songs, games, and other engaging activities to help students learn how to manage their emotions, solve problems and deal with peer pressure.